Contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI: Everything You Need to Know

The contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI is a legal agreement between a psychologist and their client. The document outlines the conditions of the psychological services to be provided, the fees and payment schedules, and the responsibilities of both parties involved.

If you`re seeking psychological services in Romania, a contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI is essential. In this article, we`ll explain everything you need to know about this legal document.

What is a contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI?

A contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI is a binding legal agreement between a psychologist and their client. The contract outlines the terms and conditions of the psychological services to be provided, the fees and payment schedules, and the responsibilities of both parties.

The contract is required by law in Romania and ensures that both the psychologist and the client are aware of their rights and obligations.

What should be included in the contract?

The following information should be included in the contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI:

1. Details of the psychologist: This section should include the name, address, and professional registration number of the psychologist.

2. Details of the client: This section should include the name, address, and any other necessary personal information of the client.

3. Scope of services: This section should clearly outline the services to be provided by the psychologist. For example, the contract could specify that the psychologist will provide individual counseling services for a specific period of time.

4. Fees and payment schedules: This section should include the fees for the services provided and the payment schedule. The contract should also specify if any fees are refundable under certain circumstances.

5. Confidentiality: This section should outline the psychologist`s duty to keep the client`s information confidential and the exceptions to this duty.

6. Termination: This section should outline the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated by either party.

7. Dispute resolution: This section should outline the process for resolving any disputes that may arise between the psychologist and the client.

Why is the contract important?

A contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI is important because it serves as a legal document that clarifies the rights and obligations of both the psychologist and the client. The contract ensures that both parties understand the scope of the services to be provided and the fees and payment schedules.

Additionally, the contract helps to protect the psychologist and the client in case of any disputes that may arise. The contract provides clear guidelines for how any disputes should be resolved, which can help to prevent legal complications down the line.


If you`re seeking psychological services in Romania, a contract de prestari servicii psihologice COPSI is essential. The document defines the terms and conditions of the psychological services to be provided and clarifies the responsibilities of both the psychologist and the client. Make sure to carefully review the contract before signing it to ensure that you fully understand its contents.