Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental grammar concept that affects how sentences are structured, making them easy to read and understand. As an advanced writer, having a solid grasp of this concept is crucial to your success in crafting clear and concise content. Therefore, it is important to continually practice subject-verb agreement exercises to improve your writing skills.

Here are some advanced level subject-verb agreement exercises to help you improve your writing:

Exercise 1: Identify the errors

Read the following sentences and identify the errors in subject-verb agreement:

1. The group of students were excited for their field trip.

2. The number of people who attended the event was unexpected.

3. Neither the teacher nor the students understand the new math concept.

4. Each of the boys have a different opinion on the movie.

5. Here is the list of items that needs to be purchased.


1. The group of students was excited for their field trip.

2. The number of people who attended the event were unexpected.

3. Neither the teacher nor the students understands the new math concept.

4. Each of the boys has a different opinion on the movie.

5. Here is the list of items that need to be purchased.

Exercise 2: Correct the errors

Rewrite the following sentences to correct the errors in subject-verb agreement:

1. The statistics on the economy was not encouraging.

2. The company, along with its subsidiaries, are expected to announce their financial results soon.

3. The committee members were unable to reach a consensus on the issue.

4. The singer, as well as her band members, were on stage when the power went out.

5. The quality of the products that the company produces are highly regarded by consumers.


1. The statistics on the economy were not encouraging.

2. The company, along with its subsidiaries, is expected to announce its financial results soon.

3. The committee members was unable to reach a consensus on the issue.

4. The singer, as well as her band members, was on stage when the power went out.

5. The quality of the products that the company produces is highly regarded by consumers.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct verb

Choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in the sentence:

1. The collection of books (is/are) due back at the library next week.

2. The number of students (has/have) increased since last year.

3. Either the blue or the green shirt (looks/look) good on you.

4. One of the keys (is/are) missing from the keyboard.

5. The pair of shoes (is/are) on the shelf.


1. The collection of books is due back at the library next week.

2. The number of students has increased since last year.

3. Either the blue or the green shirt looks good on you.

4. One of the keys is missing from the keyboard.

5. The pair of shoes is on the shelf.

In conclusion, by exercising subject-verb agreement, you will improve your writing skills and make it easier for your readers to understand your content. Always remember to double-check your writing to avoid subject-verb agreement errors that may make your writing unclear and difficult to read. With enough practice, you will master this grammar concept and become a more effective writer.